共時性の絵画 [Painting of Synchronicity]


 預 画 01 「客人ー雛罌粟シリーズ2018a」  









 共時性 synchronicityは心のイメージが瞬時に現実化する事で、皆様も度々経験されているのに気にかけないで通り過ぎてしまう日常の事です。私が心に描いている事柄が即、絵になって現れるのは「霊写」と言ってもいいほど稀有な現象ですが、何枚もの試作の中から拾い出したゲストに会えた時は創作の最高の喜びであります。 



 宙洲光垂 2018/12/


  W195mm X H540mm 紙に染料と墨


  部分( Part )  



My gallery as fortune-telling



 First it's made the thing introduced from a plain work of my work concept.

 The occasion of this picture is a work only of the accidental form which hung paint to paper and appeared, so I'm not making an improvement at all. Still the image of a human profile appears. So the title is made "guest". That's the meaning to say the person who came.

 Those also came from outside to call my painting work "「預画」yoga", and it was taken charge of, the meaning to say that I received.

 But such case is rare. Such appearance blurs, and when it isn't recognized hard, many works run away like smoke and go, so I'm doing minimum emphasis and correction to emphasize that clearly. The explanation is my only work.

 Such concept is experimented on from the front for more than 10 years, and there are my daily behavior and the production attitude in the feelings from which I receive a concept as something from which it itself comes and something of which the way also comes out in now.

 An image at the heart is to be realized in an instant, and though everybody is often experienced, too, synchronicity doesn't lack intention and is passed daily life. The matter I'm imagining is a rare phenomenon so that I'll make a picture immediately, and it may be called "reisha" to appear, but when you could meet the guest who picked from the inside of many experimental productions, it's the best delight of creation.

 Well, then preparations for which here is used as a guest room for the "Guest" cut which comes hourly were complete.



                 Mitsutaru Sorasima   2018/12/



(There is mistranslation of automatic translation. Please permit.)













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